Risk Management
Risk is anything that would impact on your club's ability to deliver on its strategic plan.
Risk Management involves identifying and assessing of risks, as well as determining priority actions to minimise the harmful impacts of risk and look to turn them into strategic advantage.
In other words, what do you need to do to stop things from going wrong?
At a golf club, there are many issues to consider when undertaking a Risk Management Assessment. Below are critical resources that will assist your club to develop a sound risk management process.
Practical Implementation
If you or your club in undertaking a review of its risk management practices it can seem daunting, with many not knowing where to start.
In the complex environment that golf clubs and facilities operate in, many chose to use the services of a risk management provider. Many large clubs have been using these services for some time, but smaller clubs more reliant on volunteers may not have seen value in committing the budget for the large programs that exist.
Golf Australia's Club & Facility Support team is pleased to partner with Risk Management Essentials, who provide an entry level tool for small clubs who are starting out or formalising their risk management processes.
At a low cost of $297 + GST per annum, your club can complete a questionnaire from which an action list will be created to help you identify and reduce risk. For further information on the program visit https://ga.riskessentials.com.au/ .
Volunteer Clubs VS Staffed Clubs
Under the Work Health and Safety Act 2011, workers are defined as:
This means that the same responsibilities rest with clubs and their officers no matter the makeup of the workforce. Under the WHS Act, clubs must eliminate health & safety risks as far as reasonably practicable and provide:
a safe workplace & safe ways of working
equipment, tools & machinery in safe condition
safe & hygienic facilities, including toilets, eating areas & first aid
information, training & supervision to all workers, including volunteers
a process for consultation for workers & keeping them informed.
Risk Management Essentials have provided some key resources below to help you run your toolbox meetings and begin assessing your risks.
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