Australian Golf Centre Project

11 JUNE 2020 MEDIA RELEASE: Centre unites golf's peak bodies
In 2014, Golf Victoria, Golf Australia and the PGA received funding from the Victorian Government to develop a High Performance Training and Administration Facility.
After a two year process, Sandringham Golf Links was identified as the preferred location for this development.
On 19 December 2018, Bayside City Council issued a Planning Permit for the following redevelopment works at Sandringham Golf Links:
Public 30 Bay driving range: 350 metre (approximately) long driving range including target greens.
Public short game practice area: Large chipping area and putting green.
Redevelopment of the 18-hole Golf Course: Works include the reconfiguration of a number of holes incorporating new greens, tees and bunkers.
Golf training facilities: Indoor high-performance training facilities.
Public café: Public café within the main building with views over the course.
A new 2 storey ‘Club House’ Facility: Incorporating office administration space for Golf Australia, PGA of Australia and Sandringham Golf Links staff, meeting rooms, education spaces and new public amenities/changerooms.
Additional Water Storage Capacity: For water storage and course irrigation, reducing the course’s reliance on potable water.
An extensive revegetation program to increase the number of indigenous trees, vegetation and overall biodiversity value of the site.
In late November 2018, the ‘Project’ received further funding from the Victorian Government. This funding is to implement additional upgrade works at the course and includes the following:
Additional water storage capacity of the dam.
Course enhancement works.
Additional office administration space.
These works will not require the removal of any additional vegetation/trees.
Bayside City Council at its meeting on the 19 March 2019 resolved to grant ‘land owners consent’ for the additional works subject to the required planning approval processes.
The Project has now progressed to the implementation stage for works that have been approved by Bayside Council. Works are scheduled to commence on Monday 13 May 2019.
These works will continue until December 2020 and include:
The reconfiguration of a number of holes incorporating new greens, tees and bunkers
The reconstruction ofthe remaining holes (tees/greens/bunkers/irrigation) that do not require ‘reconfiguration’
The upgrade to the irrigation system
Expansion works to the existing water storage dam to create greater storage capacity
The works associated with the redevelopment of the Golf Course will be implemented as a ‘staged approach’ to ensure that 9 holes will remain open for the duration of the construction period.
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11 JUNE 2020 MEDIA RELEASE: Centre unites golf's peak bodies
Project Enquiries Please contact Barb Gaiotto, Waypoint, at barb@waypointgrp.com.au.
History of the AGC Project
The Australian Golf Centre project (formerly known as the National Home of Golf and Centre of Excellence) was originally developed from a Golf Victoria (GV) review for a combined women and men's State Headquarters following the amalgamation in 2010 of Women's Golf Victoria and the Victorian Golf Association to create Golf Victoria.
The initial review led to the selection of 11 shortlisted sites for carrying out a more detailed investigation.
Consultants determined that Oakleigh presented the most realistic option, with Albert Park as the secondary option.
As part of the review, GV invited Golf Australia and the PGA of Australia to be involved in the project, and it was agreed in late 2011 that the three parties form a consortium to investigate co-location at an expanded National Home of Golf Headquarters.
The consortium agreed that the Oakleigh site was too far from the CBD and detailed site reviews were commissioned for the Albert Park site.
The consortium committed $8 million to the project and launched a funding strategy based on seeking funds from all three levels of government and potential commercial developers.
Meetings were held with local, state, and federal representatives throughout 2013 and 2014.
In May 2013, the consortium ceased pursuing the Albert Park site due to complications involving Parks Victoria and the lessee, and Elsternwick Park was identified as a potential project site.
The Elsternwick option was presented to Bayside City Council in late 2013, who agreed to investigate a master plan of the site that considered a range of options including that of the golf consortium.
The Hon. Daniel Andrews MP committed $10m towards the project as an election commitment in the lead up to the 2014 election, which he won.
Bayside City Council underwent 18 months of community consultation regarding the future of Elsternwick Park in 2016 and 2017 and the golf consortium option was rejected in favor of a nature reserve.
GV commenced discussions with Royal Melbourne Golf Club about the possibility of Sandringham Golf Course being a potential site.
On 19 December 2018, Bayside City Council issued a planning permit for the redevelopment of the Sandringham Golf Course to include a public driving range, redevelopment of the golf course, indoor and outdoor high performance training facilities, public café, administration building for GA, PGA and Sandringham Golf Links Management (SGLM).
The Victorian State Government committed a further $5.3m to the project in November 2018 which provided for a project budget of $18.8m and assisted the entire 18 holes being redeveloped and the provision for additional office space.
On 19 March 2019, Bayside City Council resolved to grant land owners consent for the additional works subject to the required planning approval process and that the course works needed to be carried out in two stages that enabled 9 holes to remain open for play.
Stage 1 course works and the outdoor high-performance areas were completed in January 2020.
Building and driving range works commenced in June 2020.
GV, GA, PGA and SGLM signed a Project Deed on 22 October 2020 to provide undertakings relating to the funding of the project and their respective operations to be carried on at Sandringham Golf Course under the Lease and the Sub-Lease.
Stage 2 course works were completed in November 2020.
Practical Completion Certificate was issued on 8 September 2021.
Golf Australia and the PGA of Australia commenced working together in the building on Monday 15 November 2021.
Project Elements
National High-Performance Centre
Strength and Conditioning Zone
Labs (3)
Putting Lab
Treatment Room
Coaches Room
Designated HP Short Game and Driving Range Areas
Course Works
Reconstruction of all 18 holes
Dam enlargement and Course Revegetation
New Putting Green
Himalayas Putting Green
Public Driving Range – 30 bays
Café – indoor and outdoor areas
Golf Service Centre
Administration Offices
8 meeting rooms including Board Room and Library/Conference Room
2 CEO offices
Open plan office for 90+ workstations
Staff lunch room
Heritage Work Room
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