Participant FAQs
Q. What do I wear? Something comfortable that you can move in. No golf shoes needed; runners are perfect. Maybe a hat if it’s sunny and a jacket if it’s a little cold.
Q. Do I need to bring any equipment? If you have a favourite or lucky club that you want to bring along, we encourage that. Otherwise the coach and facility can provide equipment.
Q. Do I need to know anything about golf? No. Everyone is welcome.
Q. Who is the program suitable for? Any adult looking to learn a new skill. No previous experience with the sport is needed, our fantastic coaches will show you everything.
Q. What are the different program types? As you search through our list of available programs you will notice we have different program types. These programs give everyone plenty of choice, such as;
GET INTO GOLF is for everyone of any age or gender
GET INTO GOLF WOMEN is specifically for women
GET INTO GOLF SENIORS is specifically for seniors (generally over the age of 55)
GET INTO GOLF ALL ABILITIES is for adults with physical, sensory or intellectual disabilities who may not feel supported in mainstream programs.
Q. What will I be doing in the face-to-face classes? Lots of hitting and plenty of socialising. Our fantastic coaches will be there to help you through everything, giving you plenty of opportunities to just give it a go.
Q. All programs I want to register for are full. What do I do now? You have a few options to find what you are looking for;
You can expand the radius in the program search functionality.
You can get in touch directly with the facility that you wish to join. Find out who the deliverer(s) of the programs are and enquire as to when their next program will be.
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